Painting Alleys in Watercolor with Juan Saturio Blurone Platform

Juan Saturio
Artist and teacher

Complete course in watercolor
View at your own pace from home
Suitable for initiation and/or improvement of the technique
13 teaching units
4 Step by Step Demonstrations
More than 5 hours and a half of videos
Approach to the urban theme; Streets and Alleys, but also Watercolor Painting, Drawing, color, composition, tricks, resources, textures, use of effects, materials, execution plans...
Learn new knowledge and artistic skills.
Available in Spanish and with English subtitles.
Unlimited material access
Video in High Quality.

Juan Saturio in Watercolor Lessons
LeccionesdeAcuarela.com Platform
On the LeccionesdeAcuarela.com Platform you will be able to access a huge catalog of Watercolor Demonstrations of the best Professors of the
More than 120 lessons from more than 40 of the best Spanish-speaking contemporary watercolor artists and teachers.
Among them are several Demonstrations that I carry out dedicated to different themes.
New Demos every month, with full access to all classes with a single subscription. Variety and Quality on a single platform.

Latest lessons added to the Platform
While we paint, during the creative process and thanks to the spontaneity of Watercolor, much more wonderful things arise than what we had planned to paint, but certain "accidents" also happen, which can always turn into a great opportunity.
We must learn to detect and positively take advantage of both situations, since both can bring quality to our work and/or learning: knowledge, skill and improvement of our artistic abilities.
Juan Saturio, 2020


Museo López Villaseñor Ciudad Real

Sofía (Bulgaria) Galería Bogomil Raynov

III Watercolor & Spirit International Exhibition

Demo Online 2021

Asociación Acuarelistas Daimiel 2021

Paseo Las Artes Martinez 2021

Septiembre 2020

Agosto 2020

Julio 2020

Junio 2020

Demo online Colectiva

Mayo 2020

Marzo 2020

Tomares SEVILLA 2019


Luz del día 2018

Cultura Daimiel 2018

Juan Saturio 2018

Watercolor Society South Texas - 18 Feb 2024

No hay eventos programados
Very grateful to Juan, he is a great teacher and an exemplary watercolorist. I was able to perceive his sensitivity, affection and attention with each of the students, he is an example to follow.
Atelier Patricia Vargas
You are a great watercolorist and pedagogue! It has been a pleasure to have attended your MasterClass.
Fuencis Iborra,
He stands out for his mastery of technique and for his interpretation that is both classic and innovative.
He is a great teacher, who uses a kind of "maieutic" method, forcing you to find resources on your own and stretch your possibilities to the maximum, and it is a method that works, as I have been able to verify.
Blog Acuarelarte
It was fantastic to be there and enjoy your art and your knowledge.
Talento28 Academy
I'm always doing what I can't do, to learn how to do it.
Pablo Picasso