Self-taught plastic artist, passionate, non-conformist, perfectionist and tireless; specialized and in love with the beautiful and whimsical technique of Watercolor.
Instructor and teacher of art everywhere, endorsed by hundreds of national and international awards and recognitions.
My work has toured Galleries and Museums from the East to the West and is treasured in large and small collections throughout the world.

For me Painting is not just a simple representation of a photograph or a location. I conceive of painting as a means of expression, but also of transmission and even evocation or provocation. I paint to express emotions or sensations, I seek to transmit and generate them in the observer.
Travel and experiences inspire me, we are constantly surrounded by wonderful things. I paint everything that particularly moves me: the light of the sunset, a beautiful cloud, a lonely alley, an abandoned house, a strip of light through a window, anything everyday. I capture everything that excites me and remains in my retina, trying to give my work the same emotion or sensation.
I change, introduce or eliminate elements in what I represent, because I like each of my works to have an imprint, my imprint, something of my own.
I seek to capture reality, although always from a more impressionistic vision, sometimes almost abstract, I enhance the synthesis and the effects of unfinishment, because I find it very beautiful that the eye and mind of the observer finish the work based on their memories, experiences or thoughts. Although I also like to focus on some element and pay attention to even the smallest detail.

Watercolor is a wonderful, fast, spontaneous, sublime technique; with its own character and soul.
Juan Saturio, 2015